Non-refundable rate

From 17th April to 31st May

Non-refundable rate with 10% discount
Prepayment at the time of booking!

Offer valid for stays in BB, half board and apartment formula.


For all our guests included in the price:
✅ beach service at our private beach from 23th May
✅ 20% to 35% discount for navy/ferry
✅ private parking for cars and motorbikes
✅ wi-fi internet
✅24 hour reception




For information and quotes

Available to calculate your offers


our booking on line, click on the link
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Hotel Delfino

Agnone sas di Maurizio Baracchi & C.
Via del Mare, 23 - Procchio - Marciana (LI)
+39 0565 907455
+39 0565 907396
P.I. e C.F. 03912470964
Codice destinatario sdi USAL8PV
CIN IT049010A1S3SEP492